About Us

Based in Brisbane Australia & born out of a love for all things sweet, colorful, cute, and sometimes a little twisted!
Sound like something your into? well your in the right place!
After sculpting my way to a sweeter world, with pieces like the over 5 foot Cheshire Cat you see below, I was constantly asked if some of my work would be for sale, while I have never sold my sculptures, fans of my creations can now get their hands on not only an awesome piece of art, but a new addition to your wardrobe!
Candy Kult shoes are handmade and customized "baked" just for you.
These sweet treats for your feet are both fun, edgy, unique and beautiful to look at, bringing joy to the world, because cake makes you feel happy! So why wouldn't we want to wear it!?!
We celebrate some of life's biggest moments with cake and so Candy Kult is all about embracing that joy and fun in your everyday!
As we grow we will be offering many more design options so stay tuned!
I am an artist, sculptor and tattooist here in Brisbane, The entire range of Candy Kult shoes, bags, mugs, wallets, clothing and more are all my original works, drawn and designed by me. The high heel shoes available in the shoe bake shop are handmade by me, & I also sometimes release one of a kind art pieces for sale here to. My husband and I own and operate A tattoo studio here in Brisbane, Where you can also be tattooed by me, You can view my work and enquire to book an appointment in the tattoo section in the top menu

We also stock a range of other unique products, such as fragrance for those who love their scents sweet, And a range of handbags from the candy inspired to Disney & More.